
Bathroom Taps

Looking to buy Taps for your new Bathroom Sink or a Brand new Roll-Top Bath? Bathroom taps are essential for any Bathroom whether you choose traditional brassware with terrific detailing and timeless appeal or eye-catching Modern Tall Basin Taps. Bathroom Taps can perfectly complement the style of your Basin Vanity Unit or Slipper Bath, adding an additional layer of elegance and sophistication.Our short guide to choosing a Bathroom Tap will help simplify this topic for you.

Different Styles & Colors

Bathroom City’s collection offers Taps for all styles and variations of Bathroom Sinks as well as Baths. This includes small basin taps, wall mounted taps, shower mixer taps, Tall taps, Bath taps and tall freestanding Taps for a Slipper Bath. We also offer taps in different color choices including Chrome, Black and luxurious Gold. Most of our Bathroom Tap products are precision-built, ensuring there's no-leakage, and they're sure to last you for years to come.

Best Prices

As one of the largest and oldest independent online Bathroom Specialists in the UK, we offer competitive market prices on all Bathroom City products. We also offer financing options to help you spread the costs that come with installing a New Bathroom.

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